2024 Annual General Meeting Agenda
March 26, 2024 at 7 PM - 28 Currie Street - Unit 5
- Acceptance of the 2022 AGM minutes
- Acceptance of the executive report.
- Acceptance the slate of directors
- Close AGM
28 Currie Street - Unit 5
March 26, 2024 - Opened at ________
Number of members present:
1. Acceptance of the 2022 AGM Minutes
View the 2022 AGM Minutes.
________ moved to accept the 2022 AGM Minutes. ________ seconded the motion. Vote: ________
2. 2024 Executive Reports
President's Report
We are continuing to rebuild toward pre-2020 levels. I call on all members, guest, prospective members and interested Humanists to contact our executive team with ideas to renew and grow COHA with special events for the public, and initiatives for our local group to engage our members. We have also initiated the process to affiliate with Humanism International (formerly IHEU) as an associate organization. Debbie is following up the the process started by our former vice-president who died last year.
Errata: I misreported the revenue for 2020 as $90 when it was $190 in the last AGM.
Membership Secretary's Report
We currently have ________(10?) members, down from the pre-2020 level of 27 members. We have ________(5?) new members, ________(10?) lapsed members and ________(5?) renewed members since 2020.
Treasurer's Report
Income Statement
As approved in an email vote at the virtual 2023 AGM, membership fees were not collected again in 2023 (as for 2022), in order to encourage participation and because there was a surplus of funds from aborted programming in 2020 due to COVID-19. So, our revenue was virtually $0.00 for 2023 (A donation of $1.24 represent a rounding off to the nearest $10 of reimbursement to the treasurer for flowers purchased on her personal credit card for John Jackson’s funeral).
We had expenses totalling $381.13 in 2023 for a net loss of $379.89. Unusual (“other”) expenses included the aforementioned flowers, materials and refreshments for the winter solstice celebration and a remote control for the projector.
The Income Statement for 2020 is included for comparison as this was the last year membership fees were collected. In that year revenues were $190.00 from membership fees, entry fees and donations, and expenses were $170.53 for speakers’ fees and meals and for bank charges. This really represents only the first 3 months, since everything shut down by the end of March (except for bank charges).
Balance Sheet
As of December 31, 2023 we had assets totalling $256.05, made up of $231.05 in the bank and $25.00 petty cash. Liabilities were $0.00, so the retained earnings available to carry over to 2024 also equals $256.05. This was the balance remaining after deducting the net loss of $379.89 from the balance of $635.94 carried over from 2022 (this carry-over included a refund of $140. 00 in 2021 for pre-paid rent for meeting space not used in 2020).
So, although we have not collected membership fees since early 2020, we still have some funds carried over from previous years to use for programming this year. We should, however, start increasing our membership fee revenue in order to continue with great programming—mainly to pay for speakers. The great news is that we now have a rent-free venue, so we may have funds available for some extras, such as refreshments, promotional materials, supplies for special events and political advocacy. Membership fees collected to date this year total $190.00.
________ moved to accept the executive reports. ________ seconded the motion. Vote: ________
3. Acceptance the slate of Board of Directors
All positions are open for election. This is the current nominated slate of directors:
- President (Signing authority): Shawn C.
- Vice-President: Kalman N.
- Secretary: Vacant
- Membership Secretary: Julie R.
- Treasurer (Signing authority): Debbie F.
________ moved to confirm the slate of directors. ________. seconded. Vote: ________
4. AGM Closed
________ moved for meeting to close. ________ seconded. Discussion: None. Vote: ________. Meeting closed at ____ AM/PM.