Elemental Humanism
Humanism is an ethical life-stance that affirms the value of life. There are many life-stances, some religious, some not. Some have gods, some do not. In chemistry, the smallest piece of gold that you can take and still have it be gold is the gold atom, which is made up by the fundamental particles neutrons, protons and electrons. What are the fundamental parts of Humanism? If we were to imagine a Humanist atom, what elementary values would the individual atoms that make up the core of the Humanist life-stance?
The ancient Greeks used the word atom to mean the single indivisible part of nature. The smallest building block that you can't break down to something smaller. (Scientists incorrectly used that term when they discovered atoms, thinking it might be the smallest thing.) In philosophy, we call these axioms. An axiom is a basic belief or value that can't be proven or disproven. Just accepted or not. The fewer axioms that you have, the better. (For some definitions of better.)
Humanism is made up of four fundamental values and beliefs: philosophical naturalism, empiricism, that we need to live ethical lives, and that ethics must be informed by knowledge.
==Should be in an order of values before axioms:==
- Full development of all people D~p~
- Made decisions based on reasoned thought
- Use empiricism to
Nm Methodological Naturalism
Everyone knows that the natural world exists. Materialism is the assumption that only the material world exists. Some people believe that not only does the material world exist, but that also a supernatural world exists. This would include the realm of gods or goddesses, the underworld, and where angels and demons come from. Materialism, also called philosohpical naturalism, does not assume that the supernatural world exists, and it also does not assume that supernatural agents exist, like sprits, ghosts or deities.
One of the core axioms of Humanism is that as far as we know only the natural world exists. The matter and energy of the universe is all that we know exists.
e Empiricism
Also knows as science, empiricism is the belief that the only reliable method to obtain knowledge we have discovered is a combination of oberservation and critical thinking. Some people believe in devine revelation from gods or goddesses, others believe that other supernatural agents like spirits of dead people can communicate facts to us. However, all these sources cannot be shown to actually give us reliable information. Science, on the other hand, continues to get better year after year.
The second core axiom of Humanism is that the only reliable way we know of to gain knowledge is through observation and critical thought.
Et Live Ethically
Humanists believe that we should live ethical lives. This is what sperates Humanists from other groups of atheists, such as nihilists. Most people, including most atheists, agnostics and other non-theists believe that we should live ethical lives. This is typically based on the concept of empathy.
k Ethics based on knowledge
The fourth and final axiom of Humanism is that in order to make ethical decisions we must base our choices on knowledge. However, as I said above, the only way to get reliable knowledge is through empiricism. What this means is that you must make informed decisions. Further, that if you make an uniformed decision you are ethically responsible for the outcome. The corollory says that you cannot say “I didn't know” as a get out of jail free card. You are responsible for not knowing and making an incorrect decision.
Examples of other axioms
Some life-stances have different axioms and tenents. Some Christian life-stances include the axiom that God exists. This is a non-negotiable fundamental belief. However, they also have tenants. Such as that we are here to serve God, that God is good, and so forther.
End Notes
Philosophical / Ontological / Metaphysical naturalism Methodological naturalism
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Naturalism_(philosophy) https://plato.stanford.edu/entries/naturalism/